The Department of BBA, Marthoma college organised an intra-college Management Fest ‘AURORA 2K19’ on 27th February 2019.The staff co-ordinator was Mr Genoy George, HOD of BBA department and the student co-ordinators was Muhammed Shanib and Liya Shahistha, students of 3rd year and 2nd year respectively.The fest consists of 15 tasks and outdoor games. The main focus of the fest was the women empowerment and eco-friendly campus. Apart from BBA department, all other students of different departments participated in the fest. From the departments, 42 teams were registered, and 25 teams were selected through an entry test to participate in the events. The teams consist of 4 members in which at least one member should be a girl to ensure the participation of women in the events. We keep drinking water in clay pots in different venues to be eco-friendly. We avoid usage of plastic bottles to supply water for the participants.
All the teams actively participated in the events. The students of BBA department volunteered the entire fest with full commitment and dedication Winners were selected on the basis of the number of task they completed with minimum time. Among the 25 teams, 3 teams held the first, second and third position. First prize was given with cash prize of rupees 4000, along with Certificates and Medals. Second prize was given with cash prize of rupees 1000, along with Certificates and Medals. Third prize was given with Certificates and Medals.The closing ceremony was assembled in the seminar hall and presided by The Principal Dr Raina Thomas and IQAC co-ordinator Dr Rajeev Thomas. The prizes were distributed by them to the Winners.